Basic requirements for trade marks:
- Distinctiveness: The mark must be capable of distinguishing goods or services from others.
- Non-descriptive: Marks that merely describe the goods or services offered cannot be registered.
- Non-misleading: The mark must not mislead as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services.
- Public Order: Marks must not be offensive or blasphemous.
Types of marks to be registered: Various types of marks can be registered in Latvia , including verbal, graphic, three-dimensional, positional, colour, sound, moving, multimedia and holographic marks.
Validity Period and Renewal: Trademarks are valid for 10 years and may be renewed.
Use Requirement: Marks must be used within the first five years of registration to avoid cancellation.
Registration timeframe: The registration process usually takes 5 to 7 months in Latvia.